What is a Book?

By LiBlog Webmaster 11 comments
  • A Book is a mental product of human activity transformed to Physical graphic format
  • A Book is a physical entity containing atleast 25+Pages in manuscript or format print
  • A Book is a bound product in paper or its substitutes in manuscript or in print format.
  • A Book is bound on One side only & Other Three sides are open for use by Readers
  • A Book’s bound side is Spine; Top its Head; Bottom is Stomach & other sides Limbs.
  • A Book used to write on its Pages is a NoteBook& the pages used to read is a Book
  • A Book has Hard / Soft Cover & three Parts:
    1. Preliminaries;
    2. Text
    3. Supplementaries.

Preliminaries :

Also called as Front matter tells what the book is on & about.:

  • Half Title, Dedication, Acknowledgement, Frontispiece, Foreword, Preface, pic-Bio
  • Title, Author/s name/s: Year, Place, Publisher, Editor,
  • On Verso: Translator,Compiler, Copy right, ISBN, Catalogue Entry
  • Contents Page, frontispiece, Chapter headings, Para graphs


  • Pagination,
  • Running title,
  • Chapters,
  • foot notes,
  • figures,
  • Tables,
  • Graphics,
  • Photos


  • Bibliography,
  • Index,
  • Glossary,
  • Acknowledgement,
  • About the Author


  • Books are categorised by use as General,Academic,Technical,Professional,Spiritual
  • Books are characterised by age & use as Incunabula, Classics, Rare & Old books
  • Books becoming obsolete by their non use for long time are kept in Depository stack
  • Books are Immortal as they have texts as their Souls & other parts are physical body.

विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयात् याति पात्रतां पात्रत्वात् धनं आप्नोति धनात् धर्मं तत्: सुखं ||

Knowledge brings Humility; Humility to recognition; Recognition to Money; Money gives Bliss & Happiness.

न चोर हार्यं न राज हार्यं नच भारकारी व्यये कृते वर्धते ऐव नित्यं विद्या धनं सर्व धन: प्रधानं ||

Knowledge can’t be stolen by thief or can’t be snatched by King; neither can be divided among brothers.; the more you use it the more it grows, hence Knowledge is the most precious wealth.

Books are for own use by individuals at home or for specific groups or community, by acquiring & processing in a Library.

Books collection may be in private Circulating Libraries, or Generalists & Specialist Libraries systematically managed and circulated among different groups of users catering to the specific community needs of Generalists, Specialists or Professionals.



Sep 9, 2019, 6:01 pm

Very nice. keep it up

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